Mano Roasteria

Players dive into the action by running their own coffee capsule manufacturing company. In this 100% off-screen game, teams buy empty capsules, fill them with coffee and package them to sell the finished products to their customers. Purchase and sales prices are drawn at random each round and teams must optimise their buying and selling decisions to maximise their profit. Working without a computer raises participants’ awareness of the importance of an efficient information system to ensure the company’s management is successful.

Learning scenarios

  • business process
  • managerial accounting
  • information systems


  • games in teams of 4
  • market price changes daily
  • management documentation
  • competing teams


jeux et matériel pédagogique *

* The games of the mano range are free of charge except for the printed material. You can print your own material from our templates or order our ready-to-use kits from our online shop.
